The name 'Aurora Light Sculptures’ came about from the aurora borealis that we, here in the north, are so fortunate to witness as well as the flow of the lines in this type of art that flow so organically.
Aurora Light Sculptures came about from my love of working with my hands combined with my love of nature and all things natural. These sculptures marry both and I knew I hit the jackpot! For many years I searched for my calling and yet there was always something missing in my careers.
While out fishing with my other half in 2017, I spotted a piece of driftwood and knew I had to make something with it. And so, The Wave came alive…subsequent fishing trips yielded more driftwood pieces until our fishing trips turned into just as much driftwood hunting as fishing. Living in a rural area Northwestern Quebec, driftwood and pieces of nature are abundant.
This is what I was looking for…this career…this love…I plan to continue with this calling well into retirement age.